I spoke in the second set of sessions Monday morning, so have a more abbreviated report. Michael Witt (Purdue University) gave a talk entitled Eliciting Faculty Requirements for Research Data Repositories, which presented some initial results of a survey of faculty on desired uses of research repositories. I found Michael's talk very interesting as it highlighted what we are finding in practice with the development of our VRE and the various research groups we are dealing with. They are interested in a number of things, but high among the most desired are the ability to store their data in a safe environment, being able to transform their data to future/emerging formats, being able to search and share their research data with a range of groups in different ways over time, and more.
I talked about developing the VRE service at UPEI and how we leveraged research funding and interests in developing an approach that led to an agile development environment and a sustainable research ecosystem. The PDF is available.
Wendy White (University of Southampton) presented Institutional Repositories: Contributing to Institutional Knowledge Management and the Global Research Commons. She talked about their approach to knowledge management and how to work with research communities of practice to effect a strong IR landscape.
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